After being sick so long you would think I would get used to people looking at me and talking about me like they do but I really have not. I have learned to deal with it but I have never really gotten used to it as much as I want to say I have I haven't. I have just gotten where I could push through it! these are the things I am talking about
pitty faces and reactions
the chatter and the whispers
the lies
the people who think I am faking
the looks of you aren't sick
the looks of I am tired of this
People telling me if I wanted to get better I would
People comparing my chronic illness to a broken bone or a sprained ankle
the bullying I get from being chronically ill
people telling me that I just do not want to get better
the way people start to treat me when they get tired of me being sick
the I am sorry's
just so much more I don't want to be a charity case and I can't help that my illnesses do not go away in a few days or weeks or months or years! I can't help that you have been around me for 10 months and you are tired of everything that comes with me. I wish you could see it in my eyes! Just close your eyes and imagine as a little 5-year old that your life just changed! You now have to deal with a neurologist and MRIs and CT scans you know have a TBI. I have had to live through the grief and pain that chronic illnesses put you through. I had to go through the pain of realizing I was not able to be in the high-level programs I was in anymore. Well, I never actually understood why I was not in GT or dual language anymore, The pain I went through with having to give up sports and not being able to do much P.E, The friends I lost because I was sick. I can't describe to you how much it destroyed me that I was sick and I was just getting worse. I was in denial for a long time and so confused. How do you think I feel that this never went away and other problems come up and they never go away either. Instead of letting that destroy me, I get that something like this is very hard to live with and it can be a burden on people. Then again look at how that burden just makes me feel more like a burden. I know people get afraid when here someone has chronic illness and disabilities. Here is my advice don't give advice unless asked. Just be there for them listen to the let them do things on their own as much as possible. You still need to help them just try to give them a little independence. There are good days look at the person and not the illness or disability.