This is a question I hear from medical professionals especially my counselor and psychologist and etc. Honestly, what does this question even mean?! Then they will saw not what your special needs want but what rachell wants. Well, what am I suppose to say cause I really do not know what to say? Then I hear separate your special needs away from rachell. Ok well, how am I suppose to do that alright ok well let's separate them? My special needs have to be attended to a lot. So let's look at Rachell well I am a young adult and a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. I am single but that's ok I guess. I love dogs and horses honestly any animals. I am a child of god! I have some of the greatest friends. I am an aunt and that is one of the best things on earth to be. I love learning! I want to help people and I love helping people! I want to serve a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. I like to organize things and make things. Here is the huge kicker I am not Rachell without my trails which means my disabilities/special needs. Yes, I have more needs and I have given up things that I really did not want too! My major in school and what I want to be when I grow up is completely because of my disabilities. I am closer to Christ and the gospel of JesusChrist because of my trails. I have more compassion and empathy for others because of my illnesses. I have a hard time separating the two because they make each other stronger. I am who I am today because of my illnesses my disabilities and other trails I have gone through. I have accepted myself that includes the part of me that I don't like. This is what Rachell wants the whole rachell including my special needs.
I want to walk without falling
I want to be free
I want to have relationships
I want to date
I want to get married one day
I want to be a mom
I want to talk and not have problems speaking
I want to be able to do things without worrying what if this happens
I want to graduate from college
I want to help others with special needs
I want to be an inspiration
I want to serve God and Jesus Christ
I want to be accepted
I want my brain to communicate with my body
Here is the thing I am not ashamed of myself and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself either. Have faith and keep pressing forward!