You may be looking at the title and thinking what the heck! So when I say the seizure game it is just a title that fits the story. One of my post mentioned the EEG (seizure testing) this is what I am talking about. I want you to imagine that you have epilepsy so you could have a seizure at any moment you never know when it will strike. You rely on mediation every day to help keep your brain somewhat stable. The thing thou is even with your medication you still may have breakthrough seizures. Medication does not guarantee that you will be seizure-free. Just because you have epilepsy does not mean you can't have a life for the most part. I am not saying it is easy at all because it is not especially when your seizures are not controlled. Your life really starts to be a seizure game at least that's how it feels. Especially when you go to the hospital for your routine EEG visit.When the tech's and nurses and doctors try everything in their power to make you have a seizure.When you have one everyone gets excited and their so happy that you had one. When you do not have one they stress over it and they get very impatient and they get a little annoyed that you have not seized yet. You personally get frustrated that you have not had a seizure yet. This is the only time that people get excited and happy you seized and get frustrated when you do not. This is the only time people ask for prayers good thoughts that you will have a seizure or more lucky more. This is why I said a seizure game because it feels like a game of who or what can get you to have a seizure. Well, let's see if Mr.strobe lights in your face can get you to have a seizure.
The Seizure Game
Updated: Sep 7, 2020