As a kid, I developed the awful cough the thing was doctors could not figure out why. This cough did not go away for a long time. The chough I had is a chronic cough I hated it so much. I was constantly coughing and it was a hard cough. The doctors ran test after test I went and saw a specialist and did test. These tests were not fun! I finally started getting treated for asthma and allergies big time. There was really still no answer on why I developed this cough like it was. I was put on inhalers and a nebulizer and pills. Being a kid and having to deal with this was hard. My teachers in school hated the cough so much it was distracting. When we took tests I had to take them in a different room especially big tests. Most would say it just a cough but really it wasn't just a cough. I would sometimes lose my voice from coughing so much. I was feeling left out because of my cough annoyed people. Having your teachers put you in a separate room just because of a cough is hard. Why do people not want me? Why me? Why this cough? I don't remember the feelings I really felt and what I was thinking but I am pretty sure those are very close. I had this cough for a few years. This did not help my anxiety or depression at all.i felt isolated even more! I just wanted it to go away and to be able to be like any kid. Once I was put on inhalers and nebulizers it helped some, but really it helped the breathing way more. The good thing I was breathing better and not wheezing as much. Having to use the nebulizers got annoying having to sit there and breathe in and out for 20 mins is not fun at all! Then I also had to take it at school at one point and of course my emergency inhaler. The cough got stable and I was not coughing all the time. This was amazing it was once in a while. Then one day the cough was gone! When my asthma acts up I cough but not the same cough. The cough I had is hard to explain, but it went away! We do not know how or why. I can tell you that my family and I are definitely blessed that it went away. I no longer had to rely on the nebulizer as much only for my asthma.
The most annoying cough
Updated: Sep 7, 2020