The honest truth is I am not sure how I do handle everything. I know I do not do this alone I know that heavenly father and Jesus Christ are helping me every day. My words would be I wouldn't be able to handle all of this without them. I do have to say thou I really do not handle it that great. Honestly, I get so overwhelmed I just want to quit and scream and throw a fit. I feel so alone and separated from the world that I just do not see the point. I want to question why this why me just why! I try to keep busy because if I do not I do question and I do want to give up some times. I feel broken and I feel like my body hates me and when you feel this way it can be extremely hard to see the light and to be motivated to keep going every single day. Here is the thing I do find the will most of the time I have no clue how but I do. I do not feel very strong all the time and on the inside, I am not, but I do not let others know that I am in pain, struggling, and just tired emotionally mentally and physically. There are some I let in thou but I still say I'm ok sometimes. Even thou I say that they know me so well that they know that may not be true. I have gotten better at letting people at least I am trying. I just struggle with not being ok I tell people I am ok even when I am not I think that I say it to convince myself sometimes. I have learned that I have the right to be sad mad and frustrated and so much more, but it is still worth fighting everyday.i have really learned to rely on heavenly father because he gives me the strength to go every day. There are good days and bad days there is nothing wrong with that it is life. I have realized that it is ok not to be ok!
How do I handle all of the craziness
Updated: Sep 7, 2020