Well, this is sad to say but it is 100% true! Have you ever felt like your body did not like you?
I have felt like this so much it sometimes consumed me! When I was young I felt like so many people hated me and I hated myself well then my body started to hate me as well. I was so consumed with all the hate that I was feeling! When I was a kid I started getting below average in height and development with my peers. my brain cells were dying and the medication I was on stopped my growth and so more. My body started doing whatever it wanted and I was in no control at all. This starts to be very lonely when you feel like your body hates you. You may be asking yourself how can your body hate you? Well, let me tell you so listen very closely. My brain does not work like it is supposed to and when this happens it can make other organs and bodily functions not to work as it should. My nervous system does not work like it should which causes a lot of problems. I have heart problems and eye disorders and lung problems and stomach problems as well. I have blood disorders and problems also and let's not forget muscle issues and bone problems and gum disease. Now, do you see that my body really does hate me? I have problems with everything my body is supposed to control on its own. I often feel like no matter what I do it will not matter because my body seems to think it is the one in charge! I try to move my leg and it will not move. I try to have conversations and I cant speak like try to get a word out and it is the completely wrong word. There are so many other things as well. This can be very trying and frustrating when you feel powerless in your own body! I promise you there is hope thou! I know that heavenly father and Jesus Christ love each and every one of us. I know that even we feel so weak and alone we are not alone! Look for the small things see some of the big things. Open your eyes and your heart to heavenly father.Jesus christ feels and knows your pains here is there for you! well as always keep pressing forward
never give up!